National Assembly for Wales

Health and Social Care Committee


Post-legislative scrutiny of the Mental Health (Wales) Measure 2010


Evidence from North Wales Community Health Council – MHM 02


From my point of view I can offer the following based on HIW reports as well as Delivery and Support Unit reports:


1c - The “measure” has become a somewhat bureaucratic exercise.  The pathway processes tend to be designed to reassure managers that the forms are being filled in correctly rather than really impacting on quality of care.


1d - Yes, certainly they are involved, but how meaningfully?


1i - It has had no impact.  The priorities for the NHS in Wales is still dominated by such things as Ambulance, A & E and elective surgery waiting times.


3a - Without effective IT support the laudable aspiration for seamless transition between primary, community and in patient services will be difficult to achieve in rural services.


3b - We are continuing to see pressure being brought to bear on Mental Health Budgets despite the “measure”.


3c - See above.